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Benjamin Bronselaer

Benjamin Bronselaer

Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate

Ocean and Cryosphere Division


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I am postdoctoral researcher with the University of Arizona, working at GFDL with Joellen Russell and Michael Winton, and a visiting researcher scholar at Princeton University. Recently, I’ve worked on ocean carbon uptake across CMIP5 models and now, I’m looking at the role of the Southern Ocean in the climate. In particular, I’m assessing the importance of key mechanisms that are not captured by current climate models: Antarctic ice sheet melt and poleward-shifting westerly winds.

I completed a PhD in Climate Physics in 2016 at the University of Oxford’s Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics Department with Laure Zanna. I did my undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Cambridge.

Research interests:

  • Influence of the Antarctic Ice Sheet on current and future climates
  • The role of the Southern Ocean in the global climate.
  • The Southern Ocean Modelling Intercomparison Project
  • Heat, carbon and oxygen are the three big climate stressors for the ocean. Are they linked somehow?


  • B Bronselaer, M Winton, S M Griffies, W J Hurlin, K B Rodgers, O V Sergienko, R J Stouffer, J L Russell (2018). Change in future climate due to Antarctic meltwater. Nature.
  • B Bronselaer, L Zanna, DR Munday, J Lowe (2018). Southern Ocean carbon-wind stress feedback. Climate Dynamics 51 (7-8), 2743-2757
  • B Bronselaer, M Winton, J Russell, CL Sabine, S Khatiwala (2017). Agreement of CMIP5 Simulated and Observed Ocean Anthropogenic CO2 Uptake. Geophysical Research Letters 44 (24)
  • B Bronselaer, L Zanna, DR Munday, J Lowe (2016). The influence of Southern Ocean winds on the North Atlantic carbon sink. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (6), 844-858
  • DJ Pilcher, SR Brody, L Johnson, B Bronselaer (2015). Assessing the abilities of CMIP5 models to represent the seasonal cycle of surface ocean pCO2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (7), 4625-4637