Bill Stern, Research Meteorologist, GFDL/UCAR
Weather and Climate Extremes Group
email: bill.stern@noaa.govphone: +1-609-452-6545
fax: +1-609-987-5063
Research Interests:
- Modeling of MJO and intraseasonal activity
- Intraseasonal-seasonal-interannual prediction and predictability
- Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS)
S/I Prediction Projects:
- IRI multi-model ensemble real-time atmospheric GCM seasonal predictionLatest seasonal predictions
- N.Am multi-model ensemble real-time atmospheric GCM seasonal predictionLatest seasonal predictions
- GFDL FLOR coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM seasonal predictions for NMMELatest seasonal sfc temperature anomaly predictionsLatest seasonal precipitation anomaly predictions
- Observations (needs to be updated)Observed seasonal anomalies
- Presentation for Science TeachersScience of Seasonal Climate Forecasting
For real time seasonal & climate prediction and analysis products
- For Real-Time Weather Links Click Here
- For Seasonal and Climate Prediction Links Click Here
For GFDL/Princeton Area Snowfall info click here
Other sites of interest: