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Bibliography - Joseph Smagorinsky

  1. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1995: The growth of dynamic meteorology and numerical weather prediction - some personal reflections In Canadian Meteorological Memoirs No. 32: Special Symposium on Atmospheric Research in Canada in Honor of Dr. Warren L. Godson's Fifty Years of Public Service, 48-56.
  2. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1993: Some historical remarks on the use of non-linear viscosities - 1.1 Introductory remarks In Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows, Proceedings of an International Workshop in Large Eddy Simulation, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1-34.
  3. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1991: Development of international climate research In Strategies for Future Climate Research, Mojib Latif, ed., Hamburg, Germany, Max Planck Institut für Meteorologie, 9-18.
  4. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1986: The long range eye of Jerry Namias In Namias Symposium - A special symposium in honor of the 75th birthday of Dr. Jerome Namias, Experimental Climate Forecast Center of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, University of California at San Diego, 63-69.
  5. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1986: The AMS's continuing role in promoting communications and setting standards. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 67(8), 938.
  6. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1986: GARP's objectives in weather prediction: Expectations and realizations In International Conference on Results of Global Weather Experiment and Their Implications for World Weather Watch, ol. I, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 19-34.
  7. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1986: Review of book: "Prophet--or Professor? The life and work of Lewis Fry Richardson," Oliver M. Ashford, and Adam Hilger. EOS, 67(3), 28.
  8. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1983: The beginnings of numerical weather prediction and general circulation modeling: Early recollections. Advances in Geophysics, 25, 3-37.
  9. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1983: The Problem of Climate and Climate Variations, WCP-72, Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, 14 pp.
  10. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1982: Large-scale climate modeling and small-scale physical processes In Land Surface Processes in Atmospheric General Circulation Models, UK, Cambridge University Press, 3-17.
  11. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1982: Scientific basis for the Monsoon Experiment In Proceedings of International Conference on the Scientific Results of the Monsoon Experiment, ICSU/WMO GARP, 35-45.
  12. Smagorinsky, Joseph, Kirk Bryan, and Syukuro Manabe, et al., 1982: CO2/Climate Review Panel In Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Second Assessment, Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1-72.
  13. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1981: CO2 and climate - a continuing story In Climatic Variations and Variability: Facts and Theories, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Reidel Publishing Co, 661-687.
  14. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1981: Epilogue: a perspective of dynamical meteorology In Dynamical Meteorology, New, Methuen, Inc., 205-219.
  15. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1981: Some thoughts on contemporary global climatic variability In International Nature Pleads Not Guilty, An IFIAS Report on the Project on Drought and Man, Vol. 1, R. V Garcia, ed., New York, NY, Pergamon Press, Inc., 265-296.
  16. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1980: Climate modelling In Proceedings of the Technical Conference on Climate - Asia and Western Pacific, WMO No., 578, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 139-151.
  17. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1980: GARP - An interim retrospection. WMO Bulletin, (April 1980), 92-100.
  18. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1979: Overview of the climate modelling problem In Report of the JOC Study Conference on Climate Models: Performance, Intercomparison and Sensitivity Studies, Vol. I, Global Atmospheric Research Programme, Joint Organizing Committee, GARP Publications No. 22, World Meteorological Organization, 1-12.
  19. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1979: Topics in dynamical meteorology: 10. Epilogue - A perspective of dynamical meteorology. Weather, 34(4), 126-135.
  20. Smagorinsky, Joseph, and N A Phillips, 1978: Scientific problems of the Global Weather Experiment In The Global Weather Experiment, Perspectives on Its Implementation and Exploitation, Report of the FGGE Advisory Panel to the U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, 13-21.
  21. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1978: History and progress In The Global Weather Experiment, Perspectives on Its Implementation and Exploitation, Report of the FGGE Advisory Panel to the U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, 4-12.
  22. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1977: Modeling and predictability In Energy and Climate, Washington, DC, National Academy of Sciences, 133-139.
  23. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1974: Global atmospheric modeling and the numerical simulation of climate In Weather and Climate Modification, John Wiley & Sons, 633-686.
  24. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1972: The general circulation of the atmosphere In Meteorological Challenges: A History, Ottawa, Information Canada, 3-42.
  25. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1971: Large-scale atmospheric circulation In Man's Impact on the Climate, Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 200-204.
  26. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1971: Numerical simulation of climate modification In Proceedings of the Twelfth Interagency Conference on Weather Modification, 221-226.
  27. Manabe, Syukuro, Joseph Smagorinsky, J L Holloway, Jr, and H Stone, 1970: Simulated climatology of a general circulation model with a hydrologic cycle. III. Effects of increased horizontal computational resolution. Monthly Weather Review, 98(3), 175-212.
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  28. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1970: Numerical simulation of the global atmosphere In The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, G. A. Corby, Editor, London, UK, Royal Meteorological Society, 24-41.
  29. Smagorinsky, Joseph, Kikuro Miyakoda, and R F Strickler, 1970: The relative importance of variables in initial conditions for dynamical weather prediction. Tellus, 22(2), 141-157.
  30. Miyakoda, Kikuro, Joseph Smagorinsky, R F Strickler, and G D Hembree, 1969: Experimental extended predictions with a nine-level hemispheric model. Monthly Weather Review, 97(1), 1-76.
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  31. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1969: Problems and promises of deterministic extended range forecasting. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 50(5), 286-311.
  32. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1969: Problems and data needs of global atmospheric models for the 1970's In First USCG National Data Buoy Systems Scientific Advisory Meeting, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 16-26.
  33. Manabe, Syukuro, and Joseph Smagorinsky, 1967: Simulated climatology of a general circulation model with a hydrologic cycle II. Analysis of the tropical atmosphere. Monthly Weather Review, 95(4), 155-169.
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  34. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1967: The role of numerical modeling. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 48(2), 89-93.
  35. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1966: Remarks on mathematical models In IBM Scientific Computing Symposium on the Environmental Sciences, Session 5 - Mathematical models, 241-244.
  36. Manabe, Syukuro, Joseph Smagorinsky, and R F Strickler, 1965: Simulated climatology of a general circulation model with a hydrologic cycle. Monthly Weather Review, 93(12), 769-798.
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  37. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1965: Numerical simulation of the atmosphere's general circulation In Large-scale Problems in Physics, IBM Scientific Computing Symposium, Yorktown Heights, NY, IBM, 141-144.
  38. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1965: Remarks on data processing in meteorology In Proceedings of the WMO/IUGG Symposium on Meteorological Data Processing, WMO Technical Note 73, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 1-20.
  39. Smagorinsky, Joseph, 1965: Review of book: "An introduction to the hydrodynamic methods of short period forecasting", by I. A. Kibel. Mathematics of Computation, 19(89), 162-163.
  40. Smagorinsky, Joseph, R F Strickler, W E Sangster, Syukuro Manabe, J L Holloway, Jr, and G D Hembree, 1965: Prediction experiments with a general circulation model In Proceedings of IAMAP/WMO International Symposium - Dynamics of Large-scale Processes, Moscow, Russia, 70-134.
  41. Smagorinsky, Joseph, Syukuro Manabe, and J L Holloway, Jr, 1965: Numerical results from a nine-level general circulation model of the atmosphere. Monthly Weather Review, 93(12), 727-768.
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