Global ocean oxygen loss is projected to persist in the future, but Earth system models (ESMs) have not yet provided a consistent picture of how it will influence the largest oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the tropical Pacific. We examine the change in the Pacific OMZ volume in an ensemble of ESMs from the CMIP6 archive, considering a broad range of oxygen (O2) thresholds relevant to biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems (5–160 µmol/kg). Despite OMZ biases in the historical period of the simulations, the ESM ensemble projections consistently fall into three regimes across ESMs: an expansion of low oxygenated waters (+0.8 [0.6, 1.0] × 1016 m3/century for O2 ≤ 120 µmol/kg, ESM median and interquartile range); a slight contraction of the OMZ core although more uncertain across ESMs (−0.1 [−0.5, 0.0] × 1016 m3/century for O2 ≤ 20 µmol/kg); and at the transition from contraction to expansion regimes, a spatial redistribution but near-zero change in the volume of hypoxic waters (0.0 [−0.3, +0.1] × 1016 m3/century for O2 ≤ 60 µmol/kg). Changes in circulation and biology dictate the shift from expansion to contraction. Specifically, reduced subtropical ventilation controls the expansion of low oxygenated waters, while a combination of circulation and biological changes explains the contraction of the core (likely changes in mixing, reduced intermediate ventilation and oxygen demand). Increased model complexity (e.g., ecosystem dynamics and equatorial circulation) likely stabilize the OMZ response, suggesting that future changes might lie in the lower bound of current projections. The expansion of low oxygenated waters which delimit the optimum habitat of numerous marine species would severely impact ecosystems and ecosystem services.
Warming‐driven expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the equatorial Pacific would bring very low oxygen waters closer to the ocean surface and possibly impact global carbon/nutrient cycles and local ecosystems. Global coarse Earth System Models (ESMs) show, however, disparate trends that poorly constrain these future changes in the upper OMZ. Using an ESM with a high‐resolution ocean (1/10°), we show that a realistic representation of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) dynamics is crucial to represent the upper OMZ structure and its temporal variability. We demonstrate that coarser ESMs commonly misrepresent the EUC, leading to an unrealistic “tilt” of the OMZ (e.g., shallowing toward the east) and an exaggerated sensitivity to EUC changes overwhelming other important processes like diffusion and biology. This shortcoming compromises the ability to reproduce the OMZ variability and could explain the disparate trends in ESMs projections.
Mesoscale turbulence in the ocean strongly affects the circulation, water mass formation, and transport of tracers. Little is known, however, about how mixing varies on climate timescales. We present the first time-resolved global dataset of lateral mesoscale eddy diffusivities at the ocean surface, obtained by applying the suppressed mixing length theory to satellite-observed velocities. We find interannual variability throughout the global ocean, regionally correlated with climate indices such as ENSO, NAO, DMI, and PDO. Changes in mixing length, driven by variations in the large-scale flow, often exceed the effect of variations in local eddy kinetic energy, previously thought of as the primary driver of variability in eddy mixing. This mechanism, not currently represented in global climate models, could have far-reaching consequences for the distribution of heat, salt, and carbon in the global ocean, as well as ecosystem dynamics and regional dynamics such as ENSO variance.