Hiroyuki “Hiro” Murakami [CV]
Research Physical Scientist
NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL),
Seasonal-to-Decadal Variability and Predictability Division
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Email: Hiroyuki.Murakami@noaa.gov
Research Interests
- Tropical cyclone climate projections and predictions
- Extreme hydroclimate events
- Numerical weather prediction
Research Highlights
- Anthropogenic effects on tropical cyclones near Western Europe, Aug 13, 2024
- Seasonal hurricane predictions at GFDL, Dec 6, 2023
- Anthropogenic forcing changes coastal tropical cyclone frequency, Nov 17,2023
- Study: Reducing human-caused air pollution in North America & Europe brings surprise result: more hurricanes, May 11, 2022
- Patterns and frequency of projected future tropical cyclone genesis are governed by dynamic effects
April 12, 2022 - A new book “Climate Variability and Tropical Cyclone Activity” from Cambridge University Press. ($79.99 via Amazon.com)
- Detected Climatic Change in Global Distribution of Tropical Cyclones
May 4, 2020 - Tropical Cyclone Motion in a Changing Climate
April 22, 2020 - On the Mechanisms of the Active 2018 Tropical Cyclone Season in the North Pacific
November 4, 2019 - Dynamical Seasonal Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Activity: Robust Assessment of Prediction Skill and Predictability
May 17, 2019 - Dominant Effect of Relative Tropical Atlantic Warming on Major Hurricane Occurrence
September 27, 2018
- Ph. D. Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan – Mar 2011
- Dissertation title: Tropical cyclone climate projections by 20-km mesh MRI/JMA atmospheric general circulation model. [PDF]
- M. Sc. Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan – Mar 2000
- B. Sc. Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan – Mar 1998
Professional Experience
- Research Physical Scientist: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey, 2023-
- Project Scientist I,II,III: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2018-2023
- Associate Research Scholar: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 2014-2018
- Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Hawaii at Manoa, IPRC, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2012-2014
- Project Researcher: Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2007-2012
- Project Researcher: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Tokyo, Japan, 2002-2007
Selected Publications Since 2015 (Click here for the full list)
- Murakami, H., 2024: Effect of regional anthropogenic aerosols on tropical cyclone frequency of occurrence. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2024GL110443.
- Murakami, H., W. Cooke, R. Mizuta, H. Endo, K. Yoshida, S. Wang, and P. Hsu, 2024: Robust future projections of global spatial distribution of major tropical cyclones and sea level pressure gradients. Commun. Earth Environ., 5, 479.
- Wang, S., H. Murakami, and W. F. Cooke, 2024: Anthropogenic effects on tropical cyclones near western Europe. npj Clim. Atmos. Sci., 7, 173.
- Wang, S., H. Murakami, and W. F. Cooke, 2023: Anthropogenic forcing changes coastal tropical cyclone frequency. npj Clim. Atmos. Sci., 6, 187.
- Murakami, H., 2022: Substantial global influence of anthropogenic aerosols on tropical cyclones over the past 40 years. Sci. Adv., 8, eabn9493.
- Murakami, H., T. L. Delworth, W. F. Cooke, S. B. Kapnick, and P. -C. Hsu, 2022: Increasing frequency of anomalous precipitation events in Japan detected by a deep learning autoencoder. Earth’s Future, 10, e2021EF002481.
- Murakami, H., and B. Wang, 2022: Patterns and frequency of projected future tropical cyclone genesis are governed by dynamic effects. Nature Commun. Earth Environ., 3, 77.
- Murakami, H., 2022: “Tropical cyclones in changing cliamte.,” in Handbook on Air Quality and Climate Change., Akimoto, H., Ed., Springer.
- Murakami, H., T. L. Delworth, W. F. Cooke, M. Zhao, B. Xiang, and P. -C. Hsu, 2020: Detected climatic change in global distribution of tropical cyclones. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 117(20), 10706-10714.
- Zhang, G., H. Murakami, T. R. Knutson, R. Mizuta, and K. Yoshida, 2020: Tropical cyclone motion in a changing climate. Sci. Adv., 6(17), eaaz7610.
- Murakami, H., E. Levin, T. Delworth, R. Gudgel, P.-H. Hsu, 2018: Dominant effect of relative tropical Atlantic warming on major hurricane occurrence. Science, 362, 794-799.
- Murakami, H., G. A. Vecchi, and S. Underwood, 2017: Increasing frequency of extremely severe cyclonic storms over the Arabian Sea. Nat. Clim. Change, 7, 885-889.
- Murakami, H., G. A. Vecchi, T. L. Delworth, A. T. Wittenberg, S. Underwood, R. Gudgel, X. Yang, L. Jia, F. Zeng, K. Paffendorf, and W. Zhang, 2017: Dominant role of subtropical Pacific warming on the extreme 2015 central Pacific hurricane season. J. Climate, 30, 243-264.
- Murakami, H., G. A. Vecchi, T. L. Delworth, R. Gudgel, S. Underwood, X. Yang, W. Zhang, and S. Lin, 2016: Seasonal forecasts of major hurricanes and landfalling tropical cyclones using a high-resolution GFDL coupled climate model. J. Climate, 29, 7977-7989l
- Murakami, H., G. Villarini, G. A. Vecchi, W. Zhang, and R. Gudgel 2016: Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of North Atlantic hurricanes and U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones using the high-resolution GFDL FLOR coupled model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 2101-2123.
- Murakami, H., G. A. Vecchi, T. Delworth, K. Paffendorf, R. Gudgel, L. Jia, and F. Zeng, 2015: Investigating the influence of anthropogenic forcing and natural variability on the 2014 Hawaiian hurricane season. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
- Murakami, H., G. A. Vecchi, S. Underwood, T. L. Delworth, A. T. Wittenberg, W. Anderson, J. -H. Chen, R. Gudgel, L. Harris, S. -J. Lin, and F. Zeng, 2015: Simulation and prediction of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the high-resolution GFDL HiFLOR coupled climate model. J. Climate, 28, 9058-9079. [PDF] [research summary]
See also GFDL Bibliography
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