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Bibliography - John R Lanzante

  1. Lanzante, John R., December 2024: Efficient and accurate shortcuts for calculating the extended heat index. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 63(12), DOI:10.1175/JAMC-D-24-0081.11589-1594.
  2. Lanzante, John R., December 2024: A new heat stress index for climate change assessment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105(12), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-24-0030.1.
  3. Lanzante, John R., Keith W Dixon, Dennis Adams-Smith, Mary Jo Nath, and Carolyn E Whitlock, April 2021: Evaluation of some distributional downscaling methods as applied to daily precipitation with an eye towards extremes. International Journal of Climatology, 41(5), DOI:10.1002/joc.70133186-3202.
  4. Lanzante, John R., November 2021: Testing for differences between two distributions in the presence of serial correlation using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Kuiper's tests. International Journal of Climatology, 41(14), DOI:10.1002/joc.71966314-6323.
  5. Lanzante, John R., Dennis Adams-Smith, Keith W Dixon, Mary Jo Nath, and Carolyn E Whitlock, March 2020: Evaluation of Some Distributional Downscaling Methods as Applied to Daily Maximum Temperature with Emphasis on Extremes. International Journal of Climatology, 40(3), DOI:10.1002/joc.6288.
  6. Lanzante, John R., Mary Jo Nath, Carolyn E Whitlock, Keith W Dixon, and Dennis Adams-Smith, March 2019: Evaluation and Improvement of Tail Behavior in the Cumulative Distribution Function Transform (CDFt) Downscaling Method. International Journal of Climatology, 39(4), DOI:10.1002/joc.5964.
  7. Lanzante, John R., June 2019: Uncertainties in Tropical-Cyclone Translation Speed. Nature, 570(7759), DOI:10.1038/s41586-019-1223-2.
  8. Lanzante, John R., Keith W Dixon, Mary Jo Nath, Carolyn E Whitlock, and Dennis Adams-Smith, April 2018: Some Pitfalls in Statistical Downscaling of Future Climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(4), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0046.1.
  9. Dixon, Keith W., John R Lanzante, Mary Jo Nath, K Hayhoe, A Stoner, Aparna Radhakrishnan, V Balaji, and Carlos F Gaitán, April 2016: Evaluating the stationarity assumption in statistically downscaled climate projections: is past performance an indicator of future results? Climatic Change, 135(3-4), DOI:10.1007/s10584-016-1598-0.
  10. Fueglistaler, Stephan, and John R Lanzante, et al., January 2013: The relation between atmospheric humidity and temperature trends for stratospheric water. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(2), DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50157.
  11. Krasting, John P., Anthony J Broccoli, Keith W Dixon, and John R Lanzante, October 2013: Future Changes in Northern Hemisphere Snowfall. Journal of Climate, 26(20), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00832.1.
  12. Santer, B D., and John R Lanzante, et al., January 2013: Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(1), DOI:10.1073/pnas.1210514109.
  13. Santer, B D., and John R Lanzante, et al., November 2011: Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116, D22105, DOI:10.1029/2011JD016263.
  14. Seidel, D J., Nathan P Gillett, John R Lanzante, K P Shine, and P W Thorne, July 2011: Stratospheric temperature trends: our evolving understanding. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2(4), DOI:10.1002/wcc.125.
  15. Thorne, P W., John R Lanzante, T C Peterson, D J Seidel, and K P Shine, January 2011: Tropospheric temperature trends: History of an ongoing controversy. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2(1), DOI:10.1002/wcc.80.
  16. Free, M, and John R Lanzante, June 2009: Effect of volcanic eruptions on the vertical temperature profile in radiosonde data and climate models. Journal of Climate, 22(11), DOI:10.1175/2008JCLI2562.1.
  17. Lanzante, John R., June 2009: Comment on “Trends in the temperature and water vapor content of the tropical lower stratosphere: Sea surface connection” by Karen H. Rosenlof and George C. Reid. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D12104, DOI:10.1029/2008JD010542.
  18. Lanzante, John R., and M Free, October 2008: Comparison of radiosonde and GCM vertical temperature trend profiles: Effects of dataset choice and data homogenization. Journal of Climate, 21(20), 5417-5435.
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  19. Santer, B D., and John R Lanzante, et al., October 2008: Consistency of modelled and observed temperature trends in the tropical troposphere. International Journal of Climatology, 28(13), DOI:10.1002/joc.1756.
  20. Lanzante, John R., 2007: Diagnosis of Radiosonde Vertical Temperature Trend Profiles: Comparing the Influence of Data Homogenization versus Model Forcings. Journal of Climate, 20(21), 5356-5364.
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  21. Lanzante, John R., T C Peterson, F J Wentz, K Y Vinnikov, D J Seidel, C Mears, J R Christy, C E Forest, Russell S Vose, P W Thorne, and N C Grody, 2006: What do observations indicate about the changes of temperatures in the atmosphere and at the surface since the advent of measuring temperatures vertically? In Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences, Karl, T R, S J Hassol, C D Miller, W L Murray, Eds, Washington, DC, Climate Change Science Program/Subcommittee on Global Change Research, 47-70.
  22. Wigley, T M., V Ramaswamy, J R Christy, John R Lanzante, C Mears, B D Santer, and C K Folland, 2006: Executive Summary In Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences, Karl, T R, S J Hassol, C D Miller, W L Murray, eds., Washington, DC, A Report by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, 1-14.
  23. Free, M, D J Seidel, J K Angell, John R Lanzante, I Durre, and T C Peterson, 2005: Radiosonde Atmospheric Temperature Products for Assessing Climate (RATPAC): A new data set of large-area anomaly time series. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D22101, DOI:10.1029/2005JD006169.
  24. Lanzante, John R., 2005: A cautionary note on the use of error bars. Journal of Climate, 18(17), 3699-3703.
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  25. Santer, B D., T M L Wigley, C Mears, F J Wentz, Stephen A Klein, D J Seidel, Karl E Taylor, P W Thorne, Michael F Wehner, Peter J Gleckler, J S Boyle, William D Collins, Keith W Dixon, Charles Doutriaux, M Free, Qiang Fu, J E Hansen, G S Jones, R Ruedy, T R Karl, John R Lanzante, Gerald A Meehl, V Ramaswamy, G Russell, and Gavin A Schmidt, 2005: Amplification of surface temperature trends and variability in the tropical atmosphere. Science, 309(5740), DOI:10.1126/science.1114867.
  26. Seidel, D J., J K Angell, A Robock, B Hicks, K Labitzke, John R Lanzante, J Logan, Jerry D Mahlman, V Ramaswamy, W J Randel, E Rasmusson, R Ross, and S F Singer, 2005: Jim Angell's contributions to meteorology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86(3), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-86-3-403.
  27. Sherwood, S C., John R Lanzante, and C Meyer, 2005: Radiosonde daytime biases and late-20th Century warming. Science, 309(5740), 1556-1559.
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  28. Free, M, J K Angell, I Durre, John R Lanzante, T C Peterson, and D J Seidel, 2004: Using First Differences to Reduce Inhomogeneity in Radiosonde Temperature Datasets. Journal of Climate, 17(21), 4171-4179.
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  29. Seidel, D J., J K Angell, M Free, J R Christy, R Spencer, Stephen A Klein, John R Lanzante, C Mears, M Schabel, F J Wentz, D E Parker, P W Thorne, and A Sterin, 2004: Uncertainty in signals of large-scale climate variations in radiosonde and satellite upper-air temperature datasets. Journal of Climate, 17(11), 2225-2240.
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  30. Seidel, D J., and John R Lanzante, July 2004: An assessment of three alternatives to linear trends for characterizing global atmospheric temperature changes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D14108, DOI:10.1029/2003JD004414.
  31. Lanzante, John R., Stephen A Klein, and D J Seidel, 2003: Temporal homogenization of monthly radiosonde temperature data. Part I: Methodology. Journal of Climate, 16(2), 224-240.
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  32. Lanzante, John R., Stephen A Klein, and D J Seidel, 2003: Temporal homogenization of monthly radiosonde temperature data. Part II: Trends, Sensitivities, and MSU comparison. Journal of Climate, 16(2), 241-262.
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  33. Shine, K P., M S Bourqui, Piers M Forster, S H E Hare, U Langematz, P Braesicke, V Grewe, M Ponater, C Schnadt, C A Smith, J D Haigh, John Austin, Neal Butchart, Drew Shindell, W J Randel, T Nagashima, R W Portmann, S Solomon, D J Seidel, John R Lanzante, Stephen A Klein, V Ramaswamy, and M Daniel Schwarzkopf, 2003: A comparison of model-simulated trends in stratospheric temperatures. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 129(590), DOI:10.1256/qj.02.186.
  34. Alexander, Michael A., I Bladé, Matthew Newman, John R Lanzante, Ngar-Cheung Lau, and J D Scott, 2002: The atmospheric bridge: the influence of ENSO teleconnections on air-sea interaction over the global oceans. Journal of Climate, 15(16), 2205-2231.
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  35. Bauer, M, A Del Genio, and John R Lanzante, 2002: Observed and simulated temperature-humidity relationships: sensitivity to sampling and analysis. Journal of Climate, 15(2), 203-215.
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  36. Free, M, I Durre, John R Lanzante, Stephen A Klein, and Brian J Soden, et al., 2002: Creating Climate Reference Datasets: CARDS Workshop on Adjusting Radiosonde Temperature Data for Climate Monitoring. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83(6), 891-899.
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  37. Gaffen, D J., M A Sargent, R E Habermann, and John R Lanzante, 2000: Sensitivity of tropospheric and stratospheric temperature trends to radiosonde data quality. Journal of Climate, 13(10), 1776-1796.
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  38. Lanzante, John R., and G E Gahrs, 2000: The "clear-sky bias" of TOVS upper-tropospheric humidity. Journal of Climate, 130(22), 4034-4041.
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  39. Dixon, Keith W., and John R Lanzante, 1999: Global mean surface air temperature and North Atlantic overturning in a suite of coupled GCM climate change experiments. Geophysical Research Letters, 26(13), 1885-1888.
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  40. Waliser, D E., R-L Shia, John R Lanzante, and Abraham H Oort, 1999: The Hadley circulation: Assessing NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and sparse in-situ estimates. Climate Dynamics, 15(10), 719-735.
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  41. Lanzante, John R., 1998: Correction to Resistant, robust & nonparametric techniques for the analysis of climate data: Theory and examples, including applications to historical radiosonde station data. International Journal of Climatology, 18(2), 235.
  42. Lanzante, John R., and G E Gahrs, 1997: Examination of some biases in satellite and radiosonde measures of upper tropospheric humidity using a framework for the comparison of redundant measurement systems In Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 352-355.
  43. Lanzante, John R., 1996: Lag relationships involving tropical sea surface temperatures. Journal of Climate, 9(10), 2568-2578.
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  44. Lanzante, John R., 1996: Resistant, robust & non-parametric techniques for the analysis of climate data: Theory and examples, including applications to historical radiosonde station data. International Journal of Climatology, 16(11), 1197-1226.
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  45. Soden, Brian J., and John R Lanzante, 1996: An assessment of satellite and radiosonde climatologies of upper-tropospheric water vapor. Journal of Climate, 9(6), 1235-1250.
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  46. Lanzante, John R., 1995: Analysis of climate data using resistant, robust and nonparametric techniques: Some examples and some applications to the historical radiosonde record In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 37-40.
  47. Lanzante, John R., 1993: Circulation response in GFDL increased CO2 experiments and comparison with observed data In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 248-253.
  48. Lanzante, John R., 1992: A comparison of the stationary wave responses in several GFDL increased CO2 GCM experiments In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 241-246.
  49. Lanzante, John R., 1991: Time scales of ENSO variability: A COADS/coupled model comparison In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 42-47.

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