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Bibliography - Abraham H Oort

  1. Waliser, D E., R-L Shia, John R Lanzante, and Abraham H Oort, 1999: The Hadley circulation: Assessing NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and sparse in-situ estimates. Climate Dynamics, 15(10), 719-735.
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  2. Gelman, M E., V Ramaswamy, and Abraham H Oort, et al., 1997: Stratospheric temperature trends derived from SPARC datasets In Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate (SPARC), Proceedings of the First SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No. 814, WCRP-99, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 153-156.
  3. Oort, Abraham H., and B Saltzman, 1997: José Pinto Peixoto. EOS, 78(47), 537, 542.
  4. Oort, Abraham H., and J J Yienger, 1996: Observed interannual variability in the Hadley Circulation and its connection to ENSO. Journal of Climate, 9(11), 2751-2767.
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  5. Overland, J E., P Turet, and Abraham H Oort, 1996: Regional variations of moist static energy flux in the Arctic. Journal of Climate, 9(1), 54-65.
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  6. Peixoto, J P., and Abraham H Oort, 1996: The climatology of relative humidity in the atmosphere. Journal of Climate, 9(12), 3443-3463.
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  7. Santer, B D., Abraham H Oort, V Ramaswamy, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, and Ronald J Stouffer, et al., 1996: A search for human influences on the thermal structure of the atmosphere. Nature, 382(6586), 39-46.
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  8. Vitart, Frederic, Abraham H Oort, and K Mo, 1996: New results on the hydrology of the North African desert, based on the NMC reanalyses In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 191-194.
  9. Oort, Abraham H., and J J Yienger, 1995: Observed long-term variability in the Hadley circulation In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 26-29.
  10. Santer, B D., Abraham H Oort, V Ramaswamy, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, and Ronald J Stouffer, et al., 1995: A Search for Human Influences on the Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere, Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, PCMDI Report No. 27, UCRL-ID-121956: Lawrence Livermore, CA, 26 pp.
  11. Sun, D-Z, and Abraham H Oort, 1995: Humidity-temperature relationships in the tropical troposphere. Journal of Climate, 8(8), 1974-1987.
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  12. Karoly, D J., J A Cohen, Gerald A Meehl, J F B Mitchell, Abraham H Oort, Ronald J Stouffer, and Richard T Wetherald, 1994: An example of fingerprint detection of greenhouse climate change. Climate Dynamics, 10, 97-105.
  13. Oort, Abraham H., 1994: An investigation of the historical station records of upper air humidity In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 346-349.
  14. Oort, Abraham H., L A Anderson, and J P Peixoto, 1994: Estimates of the energy cycle of the oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C4), 7665-7688.
  15. Raval, A, Abraham H Oort, and V Ramaswamy, 1994: Observed dependence of outgoing longwave radiation on sea surface temperature and moisture. Journal of Climate, 7(5), 807-821.
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  16. Sun, D-Z, and Abraham H Oort, 1994: Interannual variations of water vapor in the tropics In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 198-201.
  17. van den Dool, H, S Saha, Abraham H Oort, and W Ebisuzaki, 1994: On the role of atmospheric water in the continuity equation In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 244-247.
  18. Oort, Abraham H., 1993: Observed humidity trends in the atmosphere In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 24-30.
  19. Oort, Abraham H., and H Liu, 1993: Upper-air temperature trends over the globe, 1958-1989. Journal of Climate, 6(2), 292-307.
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  20. Peixoto, J P., and Abraham H Oort, 1993: O forçamento do estado médio zonal da atmosfera. (The forcing of the zonal mean state of the atmosphere). Memórias Da Academia Das Ciências De Lisboa, (Classe De Ciências), 32, 149-174.
  21. Peixoto, J P., and Abraham H Oort, 1992: Physics of Climate, New York, NY: American Institute of Physics, 520 pp.
  22. Peixoto, J P., Abraham H Oort, M de Almeida, and A Tomé, 1991: Entropy budget of the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(D6), 10,981-10,988.
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  23. Pan, Y-H, and Abraham H Oort, 1990: Correlation analyses between sea surface temperature anomalies in the eastern equatorial Pacific and the world ocean. Climate Dynamics, 4, 191-205.
  24. Pan, Y-H, Abraham H Oort, and W Richardson, 1990: The variations of the SST in the Eastern and Western Tropical Pacific and their relationship with those in the world ocean In International Conference on East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate, Hong Kong, World Scientific Publishing Co, 412-419.
  25. Pan, Y-H, W Richardson, and Abraham H Oort, 1990: Some different charactersitics of SST between the western and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean In Air-Sea Interaction in Tropical Western Pacific, Beijing, China, China Ocean Press, 189-194.
  26. Oort, Abraham H., S C Ascher, S Levitus, and J P Peixoto, 1989: New estimates of the available potential energy in the world ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94(C3), 3187-3200.
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  27. Oort, Abraham H., 1989: Angular momentum cycle in the atmosphere-ocean-solid earth system. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 70(10), 1231-1242.
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  28. Nakamura, N, and Abraham H Oort, 1988: Atmospheric heat budgets of the polar regions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 93(D8), 9510-9524.
  29. Oort, Abraham H., 1988: Climate observations and diagnostics In Physically-based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change - Part II, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 813-840.
  30. Karoly, D J., and Abraham H Oort, 1987: A comparison of Southern Hemisphere circulation statistics based on GFDL and Australian analyses. Monthly Weather Review, 115(9), 2033-2059.
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  31. Oort, Abraham H., 1987: The search for unity in the climatic system In L'institut d'astronomie et de géophysique, Georges Lemaître, Belgium, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1-28.
  32. Oort, Abraham H., Y-H Pan, R W Reynolds, and C F Ropelewski, 1987: Historical trends in the surface temperature over the oceans based on the COADS. Climate Dynamics, 2, 29-38.
  33. Oort, Abraham H., and Y-H Pan, 1986: Diagnosis of historical ENSO events In World Meteorological Organization Programme on Long-Range Forecasting, Vol. 1. Geneva, World Meteorological Organization, 249-258.
  34. Oort, Abraham H., and Y-H Pan, 1986: Interannual Variability of Surface Marine Fields In NOAA Technical Memorandum (NOAA TM ERL ESG-23), 149-155.
  35. Carissimo, B C., Abraham H Oort, and T H Vonder Haar, 1985: Estimating the meridional energy transports in the atmosphere and ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 15(1), 82-91.
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  36. Lau, Ngar-Cheung, and Abraham H Oort, 1985: Response of a GFDL general circulation model to SST fluctuations observed in the tropical Pacific Ocean during the period 1962-1976 In Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models, Amsterdam; The Netherlands, Elsevier Science Publishers, 289-302.
  37. Oort, Abraham H., 1985: Balance conditions in the earth's climate system. Advances in Geophysics, 28A, 75-98.
  38. Oort, Abraham H., and M C Maher, 1985: Observed long-term variability in the global surface temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans In Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models, Amsterdam; The Netherlands, Elsevier Science Publishers, 183-198.
  39. Rosen, R D., D A Salstein, J P Peixoto, Abraham H Oort, and Ngar-Cheung Lau, 1985: Circulation statistics derived from level III-b and station-based analyses during FGGE. Monthly Weather Review, 113(1), 65-88.
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  40. Bryan, F O., and Abraham H Oort, 1984: Seasonal variation of the global water balance based on aerological data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(D7), 11,717-11,730.
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  41. Oort, Abraham H., and Y-H Pan, 1984: The observed effects of tropical heating over the east pacific on global climate variations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3(4), 488-498.
  42. Wahr, J, and Abraham H Oort, 1984: Friction- and mountain-torque estimates from global atmospheric data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 41(2), 190-204.
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  43. Oort, Abraham H., 1983: Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1958-1973, NOAA Professional Paper 14, Rockville, MD: NOAA, 180 pp.
  44. Oort, Abraham H., and J P Peixoto, 1983: Global angular momentum and energy balance requirements from observations. Advances in Geophysics, 25, 355-490.
  45. Oort, Abraham H., and J P Peixoto, 1983: Interhemispheric comparisons based on a 15-year atmospheric data set In First International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Boston. MA, American Meteorological Society, 12-16.
  46. Pan, Y-H, and Abraham H Oort, 1983: Global climate variations connected with sea surface temperature anomalies in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean for the 1958-73 period. Monthly Weather Review, 111(6), 1244-1258.
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  47. Peixoto, J P., and Abraham H Oort, 1983: The atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle and climate In Variations in the Global Water Budget, Reidel Publishing Co, 5-65.
  48. Lau, Ngar-Cheung, and Abraham H Oort, 1982: A comparative study of observed northern hemisphere circulation statistics based on GFDL and NMC analyses. Part II: Eddy statistics and the energy cycle. Monthly Weather Review, 110(8), 889-906.
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  49. Holopainen, E O., and Abraham H Oort, 1981: Mean surface stress curl over the oceans as determined from the vorticity budget of the atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 38(2), 262-269.
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  50. Holopainen, E O., and Abraham H Oort, 1981: On the role of large-scale transient eddies in the maintenance of the vorticity and enstrophy of the time-mean atmospheric flow. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 38(2), 270-280.
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  51. Lau, Ngar-Cheung, and Abraham H Oort, 1981: A comparative study of observed northern hemisphere circulation statistics based on GFDL and NMC analyses. Part I: The time-mean fields. Monthly Weather Review, 109(7), 1380-1403.
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  52. Holopainen, E O., Ngar-Cheung Lau, and Abraham H Oort, 1980: A diagnostic study of the time-averaged budget of atmospheric zonal momentum over North America. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 37(10), 2234-2242.
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  53. Oort, Abraham H., 1979: Some personal views on the use of GCM's In Report of the JOC Study Conference on Climate Models: Performance, Intercomparison and Sensitivity Studies, Vol. 2, Global Atmospheric Research Programme, Joint Organizing Committee, GARP Publications No. 22, World Meteorological Organization, 1030-1036.
  54. Stefanick, M, and Abraham H Oort, 1979: Geographical distribution of interannual variability of mean monthly temperatures, 1963-1973. EOS, 60(18), 264.
  55. Ellis, J, T H Vonder Haar, S Levitus, and Abraham H Oort, 1978: The annual variation in the global heat balance of the earth. Journal of Geophysical Research, 83(C4), 1958-1962.
  56. Oort, Abraham H., 1978: Adequacy of the rawinsonde network for global circulation studies tested through numerical model output. Monthly Weather Review, 106(2), 174-195.
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  57. Levitus, S, and Abraham H Oort, 1977: Global analysis of oceanographic data. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 58(12), 1270-1284.
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  58. Oort, Abraham H., 1977: The Interannual Variability of Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, NOAA Professional Paper 8, Rockville, MD: NOAA, 76 pp.
  59. Oort, Abraham H., and P H Chan, 1977: On the role of the Asian monsoon in the angular momentum and kinetic energy balances of the tropics. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 115(5/6), 1167-1186.
  60. Oort, Abraham H., 1975: On the variability of the general circulation of the atmosphere as deduced from aerological data In The Physical Basis of Climate and Climate Modelling, Report of the International Study Conference, GARP Publications Series No. 16, World Meteorological Organization, 95-105.
  61. Gray, Jr, T I., and Abraham H Oort, 1974: Interannual variations in convective activity over the GATE area. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 55(3), 220-226.
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  62. Oort, Abraham H., 1974: Year-to-year variations in the energy balance of the Arctic atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 79(9), 1253-1260.
  63. Oort, Abraham H., and H D Bowman II, 1974: A study of the mountain torque and its interannual variations in the northern hemisphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 31, 1974-1982.
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  64. Oort, Abraham H., and J P Peixoto, 1974: The annual cycle of the energetics of the atmosphere on a planetary scale. Journal of Geophysical Research, 79(18), 2705-2719.
  65. Peixoto, J P., and Abraham H Oort, 1974: The annual distribution of atmospheric energy on a planetary scale. Journal of Geophysical Research, 79(15), 2149-2159.
  66. Vonder Haar, T H., and Abraham H Oort, 1973: New estimate of annual poleward energy transport by Northern Hemisphere oceans. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 3(2), 169-172.
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  67. Oort, Abraham H., 1971: The observed annual cycle in the meridional transport of atmospheric energy. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 28(3), 325-339.
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  68. Oort, Abraham H., and E Rasmusson, 1970: The annual variation of the monthly mean meridional circulation. Monthly Weather Review, 98(6), 423-442.
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  69. Oort, Abraham H., and A Taylor, 1969: On the kinetic energy spectrum near the ground. Monthly Weather Review, 97(9), 623-636.
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