Isaac M. Held
Senior Research Scientist/ GFDL / NOAA
Lecturer with rank of Professor / AOS Program / Geosciences / Princeton University
isaac.held at
Research Interests:
- Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics/geophysical turbulence
- Climate dynamics/global warming
My Climate Dynamics Blog
Some lectures and essays:
- Tokyo, 2002
- Woods Hole 2000
- AMS Haurwitz Lecture, 1999: Equatorial superrotation in Earth-like atmospheric models
- The Gap between Simulation and Understanding in Climate Modeling, BAMS, 2005.
Two papers that have not been easily available for a while:
- Stationary and quasi-stationary eddies in the extratropical troposphere: Theory, 1983, in Large-Scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere, B.J. Hoskins and R. P. Pearce, Eds, ISBN 0-12-356680-0, LCCCN 82-73231, Academic Press, pp. 127-168.
- Held and Hoskins, 1985: Large-scale eddies and the general circulation of the troposphere, Advances in Geophysics, 28, Part A, 3-31.
Some recent papers
- Flannaghan,Fueglistaler, Held, Po-Chedley, Wyman, and Zhao, 2014: Tropical temperature trends in AMIP simulations and the impact of SST uncertainties, Journal of the Geophysical Sciences: Atmosphere
- Jansen and Held, 2014: Parameterizing subgrid-scale eddy effects using energetically consistent backscatter , Ocean Modelling.
- Merlis, Held, Stenchikov, Zeng, Horowitz, 2014: Constraining transient climate sensitivity using coupled model simulations of volcanic eruptions . Journal of Climate
- Hill, Ming, Held, 2014: Mechanisms of forced tropical meridional energy flux change . Journal of Climate,
- Zhou, Held, Garner, 2014: Parameter study of tropical cyclones in rotating radiative-convective equilibrium with column physics and resolution of a 25km GCM . Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.
- Kang, Held, Xie, 2014: Contrasting the tropical responses to zonally symmetric extratropical and tropical thermal forcing . Climate Dynamics.