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Science Board

The Science Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Laboratory Director. Members give guidance to the lab’s overarching and long-term science horizons and strategies, and provide oversight of the lab’s overall science progress.

Members: Whit Anderson, Tom Delworth, John Dunne, Jeffrey Durachta, Tom Knutson, Lauren Koellermeier, David Paynter, V. “Ram” Ramaswamy (Chair), Charles Stock, Rong Zhang

Research Council

The Research Council provides guidance to the Science Board on lab research opportunities. It coordinates cross-divisional research and enhances communication across the divisions and to the lab as a whole.

Members: Whit Anderson (Co-chair), Rusty Benson, Keith Dixon, Kirsten Findell (co-chair), Huan Guo, Robert Hallberg, Lucas Harris, Larry Horowitz, Pu Lin, Elena Shevliakova,  Andrew Wittenberg, Ming Zhao

GFDL Management Council

The GFDL Management Council brings together the functions of the lab’s administrative and management activities. It considers matters spanning across administration, budget, facilities, communications and outreach, scientific management and policy, high performance computing and IT functions, and coordination with outside entities.

Members: Whit Anderson, Patricia Irby (Co-chair), Lauren Koellermeier (Co-chair), Tara McQueen, V. “Ram” Ramaswamy, Kristen Schepel, Maria Setzer.