Ocean and Cryosphere Division
Our goal is to conduct leading research to understand ocean and cryosphere changes and variability; their interactions with weather, climate, sea level, and ecosystems; and advance prediction and projection of future changes. To support this goal, we are developing state-of-the-science community models for the ocean, sea ice, land ice, and fully coupled models.
Physical Scientist
Physical Scientist
Associate Scientist
Project Scientist
Princeton University
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
AOS Graduate Student
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
AOS Graduate Student
AOS Graduate Student
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
SOCCOM Postdoctoral Research Associate
AOS Graduate Student
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate