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GFDL Research Highlights

September 5th, 2023 - Coherent mechanistic patterns of tropical land hydroclimate change

Accurate predictions of future changes in hydroclimate over land, in particular the magnitude and frequency of extreme heat, extreme rainfall, and droughts are of paramount importance for society. Gaps in our process-level understanding of land-atmosphere interactions remain, in particular with respect to the connection between changes in different types of extremes; and the connection between changes in local land-atmosphere interactions with the global-scale response of the hydrological cycle to climate forcings. The authors introduce a novel method that preserves the mechanistic local, daily-mean time scale understanding while substantially reducing the dimensionality of the global, time-varying problem in order to provide an integrated, big-picture perspective. Read More…

August 23rd, 2023 - Abrupt loss and uncertain recovery from fires of Amazon forests under low climate mitigation scenarios

Tropical forests buffer climate change impacts by acting as a major sink for anthropogenic carbon emissions, which is essential to slowing down the buildup of atmospheric CO2. However, the response of tropical forests to more frequent weather extremes and long-recovery disturbances like fires remains uncertain. Analyses of field data and ecological theory raise concerns about the possibility of the Amazon crossing a tipping point, leading to catastrophic tropical forest loss. In contrast, climate models consistently project an enhanced tropical sink. Read More…

August 4th, 2023 - Regulating finescale resolved convection in high-resolution models for better hurricane track prediction

Hurricanes, also known as tropical cyclones (TC), are the costliest weather disasters in the U.S. and accurate hurricane track and intensity forecasts are crucial for early preparation. High-resolution models (approximately 3 km grid spacing or finer) covering a large domain are emerging as powerful tools for hurricane prediction. However, while the use of high resolution helps improve hurricane intensity prediction, it can also make the model more prone to develop errors in the prediction of steering flow and hurricane tracks – due to the possible impact of prevalent small-scale features resolved by the model. This study suggests that regulating small-scale convection activity in a high-resolution model can significantly improve hurricane track predictions at days 4 and 5. Read More…

May 24th, 2023 - A mechanistic sea spray generation function based on the sea state and the physics of bubble bursting

Bubbles bursting at the ocean surface are an important source of sea spray aerosols. They contribute to atmospheric aerosols and play a crucial role in radiative and cloud processes. Uncertainties related to the large range of scales involved, and the complexity of the processes, leads to open questions about the dependencies on wind speed, ocean wave properties and water temperature. Read More…

May 11th, 2023 - Increases in extreme precipitation over the northeast United States using high-resolution climate model simulations

Extreme precipitation is among the most destructive natural disasters. Simulating changes in regional extreme precipitation remains challenging, partially limited by the horizontal resolution in climate models. For this study, the authors used an ensemble of high-resolution (25-km) global climate model simulations to study extreme precipitation over the Northeastern United States, where extremes have increased rapidly since the mid-1990s. Read More…

December 30th, 2022 - Reduction in near-surface wind speeds with increasing CO2 may worsen winter air quality in the Indo-Gangetic plain

The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), stretching from Pakistan to Bangladesh across Northern India, and home to over 800 million people, experiences among the most elevated concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the world. High local anthropogenic emissions associated with waste and crop residue burning, transportation, industry, and power generation are the primary cause for the poor air quality in the region. Unlike other major population centers in Europe, the United States, and China, air pollution has been worsening in the IGP over the last two decades. Exposure to such high levels of air pollution are estimated to reduce average life expectancy by nearly a decade. Read More…

August 29th, 2022 - A simple conceptual model for the self-sustained multidecadal AMOC variability

Multidecadal variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has been reconstructed by various proxies, simulated in climate models, and linked to multidecadal Arctic salinity variability. However, the mechanisms of the multidecadal AMOC variability and its two-way interaction with the Arctic salinity anomaly, as well as the factors affecting the periods and amplitudes of the multidecadal AMOC variability are not well understood from the theoretical perspective using simple conceptual models. Read More…

May 11th, 2022 - Substantial global influence of anthropogenic aerosols on tropical cyclones over the past 40 years

Research reveals how pollution control measures in Europe and the United States over the past 40 years led to significantly decreased anthropogenic aerosols. During the same time period, economic and industrial growth in South and East Asia led to increased anthropogenic aerosols in those regions. The impact of these changes suggests effects on both the frequency of global tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons), as well as a shift in the global wind circulation.. Read More…

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