GFDL Science Review
October 29 – October 31, 2019
Day 1: Tuesday, Oct. 29 (Taylor Auditorium, Frick Laboratory, Princeton University)
THEME 1: Modeling the Earth System (Co-Chairs: Leo Donner, Kirsten Findell)
- Theme 1 Overview – Mike Winton
- FV3 at GFDL and beyond – Lucas Harris
- MOM6, SIS2, and OM4 (ocean-ice components of CM4) – Alistair Adcroft
- New generation atmospheric model AM4 and Cloud-Climate Initiative – Ming Zhao
- Land model component and land-climate interactions – Elena Shevliakova
- Atmospheric chemistry-composition in GFDL models – Vaishali Naik
- CM4 and ESM4 – John Dunne
THEME 2: Advancing the Understanding of the Earth System: Phenomena, Processes, Variability and Change (Co-Chairs: Larry Horowitz, Sonya Legg)
- Theme 2a Overview (Atmosphere & Land focus) -Yi Ming
- Radiative impacts of aerosols and greenhouse gases – David Paynter
- Chemistry climate interactions – Fabien Paulot
- Land-biosphere feedbacks on air quality – Meiyun Lin
- Land-coastal ocean interactions – Minjin Lee
- Stratospheric processes and impacts – Pu Lin
- Theme 2b Overview (Ocean & Cryosphere focus) – Rong Zhang
- Mixing for the ocean surface boundary layer and WAVEWATCH III model – Brandon Reichl
- Understanding future ENSO risks – Andrew Wittenberg
- Impacts of Southern Ocean circulation on climate and sea level: Highlighting GFDL and Princeton/SOCCOM collaborations – Steve Griffies
- Interactions between ocean and ice-sheets/icebergs – Olga Sergienko
Day 2: Wednesday, Oct. 30 (Taylor Auditorium, Frick Laboratory, Princeton University)
THEME 3: Earth System Predictions and Projections (Co-Chairs: Xiaosong Yang, MattHarrison)
- Overview: seamless predictions and projections of the Earth’s climate system – Tom Delworth
- Unified global and regional weather prediction at medium and short-range timescales – Jan-Huey Chen
- Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) prediction – Baoqiang Xiang
- North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and associated predictions – Nat Johnson
- Hydroclimate variability, predictability, and extremes – Sarah Kapnick
- Tropical cyclone prediction and attribution – Hiroyuki Murakami
- Next generation initialization system for predictions – Feiyu Lu
- Arctic sea ice prediction and predictability– Mitch Bushuk
- Seasonal to multiannual marine ecosystem predictions – Charles Stock
- Southern Ocean decadal variability and predictability – Liping Zhang
- Sea level rise, ocean heat uptake, and climate change – John Krasting
- Future ocean warming and impacts on U.S. Northeast fisheries–Vincent Saba
- High Performance Computing: Techniques, Technologies and Strategies [Chair: Jeff Durachta]
- HPC needs for Earth System Modeling, predictions & projections – V. Balaji
- Unified modeling, infrastructure and exascale computing – Rusty Benson
Climate Assessments & Analysis – (Chair: V. Ramaswamy)