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Whit Anderson, Ph.D.

Deputy Director
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Whit Anderson
Whit Anderson

I am the Deputy Director of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). My primary role is to coordinate between the scientific mission of the lab and its supporting assets and activities, such as administration and information technologies and high performance computing. I also interact with external entities from other line office units, line office headquarters, other NOAA line offices, federal agencies, legislative branch of government and universities in support of the lab’s science. GFDL’s mission is to advance scientific understanding of climate and its natural and anthropogenic variations and impacts, and improve NOAA’s predictive capabilities, through the development and use of world-leading computer models of the Earth System.

Rendition of Rossby wave dispersion. Presented to Joe Smagorinsky by Paul Schopf, my graduate advisor. (Schopf 1974).

During my early years at GFDL I was a Princeton Research Scientist working under the guidance and supervision of Robert Hallberg, Anand Gnanadesikan and Alistair Adcroft in the Ocean Modeling Group. My work was focused on research and development with the Hallberg Isopycnal Model (HIM), the Generalized Ocean Layered Dynamics Model (GOLD) and the Modular Ocean Model (MOM).

I later became a federal scientist while in GFDL’s Climate Variability and Prediction group. During that time I worked under the supervision of Thomas Delworth and Anthony Rosati. Research highlights for that period included the development of the Coupled Models (CM) CM2.5, CM2.6 and CM2.5-Forecast Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR).

Following a reorganization of the lab I began working in the Climate Processes and Sensitivity Group under Michael Winton. My work and research focused on climate sensitivity and continuing GFDL’s high resolution coupled modeling efforts.

Over the years I have been very fortunate to work with a large number GFDL scientists and researchers. In 2014, my role transitioned from scientific to administrative. In this capacity I continue to enjoy supporting, communicating and enabling the great work at GFDL.



Award Highlights

      • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Green Steward Award, 2009
      • Department of Commerce Gold Medal for Scientific/Engineering Achievement, 2015
      • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Administrator’s Award, 2018
      • Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for Leadership, 2022

Recent Publications: