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Bibliography - Lucas Harris

  1. Chen, Jan-Huey, Adam J Clark, Guoqing Ge, Lucas Harris, Kimberly Hoogewind, Anders Jensen, Hosmay Lopez, Joseph Mouallem, Breanna L Zavadoff, Xuejin Zhang, and Linjiong Zhou, January 2024: 2022-2023 Global-Nest Initiative Activity Summary: Recent Results and Future Plan, Princeton, NJ: NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2023-001, DOI:10.25923/yx20-3k04 14pp.
  2. Cheng, Kai-Yuan, Shian-Jiann Lin, Lucas Harris, and Linjiong Zhou, April 2024: Supercells and tornado-like vortices in an idealized global atmosphere model. Earth and Space Science, 11(5), DOI:10.1029/2023EA003368.
  3. Gao, Kun, Lucas Harris, Mingjing Tong, Linjiong Zhou, Jan-Huey Chen, and Kai-Yuan Cheng, May 2024: A Flexible Tropical Cyclone Vortex Initialization Technique for GFDL SHiELD. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, DOI:10.3389/feart.2024.1396390.
  4. Guendelman, Ilai, Timothy M Merlis, Kai-Yuan Cheng, Lucas Harris, Christopher S Bretherton, Maximilien Bolot, Linjiong Zhou, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Spencer K Clark, and Stephan Fueglistaler, April 2024: The precipitation response to warming and CO2 increase: A comparison of a global storm resolving model and CMIP6 models. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(7), DOI:10.1029/2023GL107008.
  5. Hsieh, Tsung-Lin, Lucas Harris, and Spencer K Clark, July 2024: A hybrid physics-machine learning model for orographic precipitation forecasting, Princeton, NJ: NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2024-001, DOI:10.25923/xydc-9n85 15pp.
  6. Lin, Meiyun, Larry W Horowitz, Ming Zhao, Lucas Harris, Paul Ginoux, John P Dunne, Sergey Malyshev, Elena Shevliakova, Hamza Ahsan, Stephen T Garner, Fabien Paulot, Arman Pouyaei, Steven J Smith, Yuanyu Xie, Niki Zadeh, and Linjiong Zhou, April 2024: The GFDL variable-resolution global chemistry-climate model for research at the nexus of US climate and air quality extremes. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(4), DOI:10.1029/2023MS003984.
  7. Merlis, Timothy M., Kai-Yuan Cheng, Ilai Guendelman, Lucas Harris, Christopher S Bretherton, Maximilien Bolot, Linjiong Zhou, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Spencer K Clark, Gabriel A Vecchi, and Stephan Fueglistaler, June 2024: Climate sensitivity and relative humidity changes in global storm-resolving model simulations of climate change. Science Advances, 10(26), DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adn5217.
  8. Watt-Meyer, Oliver, Noah D Brenowitz, Spencer K Clark, Brian Henn, Anna Kwa, Jeremy McGibbon, W Andre Perkins, Lucas Harris, and Christopher S Bretherton, February 2024: Neural network parameterization of subgrid-scale physics from a realistic geography global storm-resolving simulation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(2), DOI:10.1029/2023MS003668.
  9. Willson, Justin L., Kevin A Reed, Christiane Jablonowski, James Kent, Peter H Lauritzen, Ramachandran Nair, Mark A Taylor, Paul A Ullrich, Colin M Zarzycki, David M Hall, Don Dazlich, Ross Heikes, Celal Konor, David A Randall, Thomas Dubos, Yann Meurdesoif, Xi Chen, and Lucas Harris, et al., April 2024: DCMIP2016: The tropical cyclone test case. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(7), DOI:10.5194/gmd-17-2493-20242493-2507.
  10. Adams-Selin, Rebecca D., Christina Kalb, Tara Jensen, John Henderson, Timothy A Supinie, Lucas Harris, Yunheng Wang, Burkely T Gallo, and Adam J Clark, February 2023: Just what is “good”? Musings on hail forecast verification through evaluation of FV3-HAILCAST hail forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, 38(2), DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-22-0087.1371-387.
  11. Bolot, Maximilien, Lucas Harris, Kai-Yuan Cheng, Timothy M Merlis, Peter N Blossey, Christopher S Bretherton, Spencer K Clark, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Linjiong Zhou, and Stephan Fueglistaler, December 2023: Kilometer-scale global warming simulations and active sensors reveal changes in tropical deep convection. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 209, DOI:10.1038/s41612-023-00525-w.
  12. Chen, Jie, Kun Gao, Lucas Harris, Timothy Marchok, Linjiong Zhou, and Matthew J Morin, August 2023: A new framework for evaluating model simulated inland tropical cyclone wind fields. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(16), DOI:10.1029/2023GL104587.
  13. Dahm, Johann P., Eddie C Davis, Florian Deconinck, Oliver Elbert, Rhea C George, Jeremy McGibbon, Tobias Wicky, Elynn Wu, Christopher Kung, Tal Ben-Nun, Lucas Harris, Linus Groner, and Oliver Fuhrer, May 2023: Pace v0.2: a Python-based performance-portable atmospheric model. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(9), DOI:10.5194/gmd-16-2719-20232719-2736.
  14. Gao, Kun, Lucas Harris, Morris A Bender, Jan-Huey Chen, Linjiong Zhou, and Thomas R Knutson, July 2023: Regulating fine-scale resolved convection in high-resolution models for better hurricane track prediction. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(13), DOI:10.1029/2023GL103329.
  15. Harris, Lucas, Linjiong Zhou, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Spencer K Clark, Kai-Yuan Cheng, and Christopher S Bretherton, May 2023: A Global Survey of Rotating Convective Updrafts in the GFDL X-SHiELD 2021 Global Storm Resolving Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(10), DOI:10.1029/2022JD037823.
  16. Kwa, Anna, Spencer K Clark, Brian Henn, Noah D Brenowitz, Jeremy McGibbon, Oliver Watt-Meyer, W Andre Perkins, Lucas Harris, and Christopher S Bretherton, May 2023: Machine-Learned Climate Model Corrections From a Global Storm-Resolving Model: Performance Across the Annual Cycle. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(5), DOI:10.1029/2022MS003400.
  17. Mouallem, Joseph, Lucas Harris, and Xi Chen, December 2023: Implementation of the novel Duo-Grid in GFDL's FV3 Dynamical Core. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(12), DOI:10.1029/2023MS003712.
  18. Ye, Jiacheng, Zhuo Wang, Fanglin Yang, Lucas Harris, Tara Jensen, Douglas E Miller, Christina Kalb, Daniel Adriaansen, and Weiwei Li, June 2023: Evaluation and process-oriented diagnosis of the GEFSv12 reforecasts. Journal of Climate, 36(12), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0772.14255-4274.
  19. Zavadoff, Breanna L., Kun Gao, Hosmay Lopez, Sang-Ki Lee, Dongmin Kim, and Lucas Harris, January 2023: Improved MJO forecasts using the experimental global-nested GFDL SHiELD model. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(6), DOI:10.1029/2022GL101622.
  20. Bretherton, Christopher S., Brian Henn, Anna Kwa, Noah D Brenowitz, Oliver Watt-Meyer, Jeremy McGibbon, W Andre Perkins, Spencer K Clark, and Lucas Harris, February 2022: Correcting coarse-grid weather and climate models by machine learning from global storm-resolving simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(2), DOI:10.1029/2021MS002794.
  21. Cheng, Kai-Yuan, Lucas Harris, and Yongqiang Sun, February 2022: Enhancing the accessibility of unified modeling systems: GFDL System for High-resolution prediction on Earth-to-Local Domains (SHiELD) v2021b in a container. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(3), DOI:10.5194/gmd-15-1097-20221097-1105.
  22. Cheng, Kai-Yuan, Lucas Harris, Christopher S Bretherton, Timothy M Merlis, Maximilien Bolot, Linjiong Zhou, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Spencer K Clark, and Stephan Fueglistaler, August 2022: Impact of warmer sea surface temperature on the global pattern of intense convection: Insights from a global storm resolving model. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(16), DOI:10.1029/2022GL099796.
  23. Clark, Spencer K., Noah D Brenowitz, Brian Henn, Anna Kwa, Jeremy McGibbon, W Andre Perkins, Oliver Watt-Meyer, Christopher S Bretherton, and Lucas Harris, September 2022: Correcting a 200 km resolution climate model in multiple climates by machine learning from 25 km resolution simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(9), DOI:10.1029/2022MS003219.
  24. Hazelton, Andrew T., Kun Gao, Morris A Bender, Levi Cowan, Ghassan J Alaka Jr, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Lew Gramer, Xuejin Zhang, Lucas Harris, Timothy Marchok, Matthew J Morin, Avichal Mehra, Zhan Zhang, Bin Liu, and Frank D Marks, January 2022: Performance of 2020 real-time Atlantic hurricane forecasts from high-resolution global-nested hurricane models: HAFS-globalnest and GFDL T-SHiELD. Weather and Forecasting, 37(1), DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0102.1143-161.
  25. Kaltenbaugh, Alex, Lucas Harris, Kai-Yuan Cheng, Linjiong Zhou, Matthew J Morin, and William F Stern, June 2022: In Using GFDL C-SHiELD for the Prediction of Convective Storms during the 2021 Spring and Summer, Princeton, NJ, NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2022-002, DOI:10.25923/ednx-rm3441pp.
  26. Mouallem, Joseph, Lucas Harris, and Rusty Benson, June 2022: Multiple same-level and telescoping nesting in GFDL's dynamical core. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(11), DOI:10.5194/gmd-15-4355-20224355-4371.
  27. Stephan, Claudia C., Julia Duras, Lucas Harris, Daniel Klocke, William M Putman, Mark A Taylor, Nils Wedi, Nedjeljka Žagar, and Florian Ziemen, April 2022: Atmospheric energy spectra in global kilometre-scale models. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, DOI:10.16993/tellusa.26280-299.
  28. Xiang, Baoqiang, Lucas Harris, Thomas L Delworth, Bin Wang, Guosen Chen, Jan-Huey Chen, Spencer K Clark, William F Cooke, Kun Gao, J Jacob Huff, Liwei Jia, Nathaniel C Johnson, Sarah B Kapnick, Feiyu Lu, Colleen McHugh, Yongqiang Sun, Mingjing Tong, Xiaosong Yang, Fanrong Zeng, Ming Zhao, Linjiong Zhou, and Xiaqiong Zhou, February 2022: S2S prediction in GFDL SPEAR: MJO diversity and teleconnections. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(2), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0124.1.
  29. Xiang, Baoqiang, Bin Wang, Wei Zhang, Lucas Harris, Thomas L Delworth, Gan Zhang, and William F Cooke, August 2022: Subseasonal controls of U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5, 66, DOI:10.1038/s41612-022-00289-9.
  30. Zhou, Linjiong, Lucas Harris, Jan-Huey Chen, Kun Gao, Huan Guo, Baoqiang Xiang, Mingjing Tong, J Jacob Huff, and Matthew J Morin, July 2022: Improving global weather prediction in GFDL SHiELD through an upgraded GFDL cloud microphysics scheme. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(7), DOI:10.1029/2021MS002971.
  31. Zhou, Linjiong, Lucas Harris, and Jan-Huey Chen, July 2022: In The GFDL Cloud Microphysics Parameterization, Princeton, NJ, NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2022-002, DOI:10.25923/pz3c-8b96.
  32. Zhou, Linjiong, and Lucas Harris, November 2022: Integrated dynamics-physics coupling for weather to climate models: GFDL SHiELD with in-line microphysics. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(21), DOI:10.1029/2022GL100519.
  33. Gallo, Burkely T., Jamie K Wolff, Adam J Clark, Israel Jirak, Lindsay R Blank, Brett Roberts, Yunheng Wang, Chunxi Zhang, Ming Xue, Timothy A Supinie, Lucas Harris, Linjiong Zhou, and Curtis Alexander, February 2021: Exploring convection-allowing model evaluation strategies for severe local storms using the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3) Model Core. Weather and Forecasting, 36(1), DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-20-0090.13-19.
  34. Gao, Kun, Lucas Harris, Linjiong Zhou, Morris A Bender, and Matthew J Morin, September 2021: On the sensitivity of hurricane intensity and structure to horizontal tracer advection schemes in FV3. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 78(9), DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-20-0331.13007-3021.
  35. Guo, Huan, Yi Ming, Songmiao Fan, Linjiong Zhou, Lucas Harris, and Ming Zhao, June 2021: Two-moment bulk cloud microphysics with prognostic precipitation in GFDL’s Atmosphere Model AM4.0: configuration and performance. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(6), DOI:10.1029/2020MS002453.
  36. Harris, Lucas, Xi Chen, William M Putman, Linjiong Zhou, and Jan-Huey Chen, June 2021: A Scientific Description of the GFDL Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core, Princeton, NJ: NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2021-001, DOI:10.25923/6nhs-5897 109pp.
  37. Harris, Lucas, July 2021: A new semi-Lagrangian finite volume advection scheme combines the best of both worlds. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, DOI:10.1007/s00376-021-1181-01608-1609.
  38. McGibbon, Jeremy, Noah D Brenowitz, Mark Cheeseman, Spencer K Clark, Johann P S Dahm, Eddie C Davis, Oliver Elbert, Rhea C George, and Lucas Harris, et al., July 2021: fv3gfs-wrapper: A Python wrapper of the FV3GFS atmospheric model. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(7), DOI:10.5194/gmd-14-4401-20214401-4409.
  39. Delworth, Thomas L., William F Cooke, Alistair Adcroft, Mitchell Bushuk, Jan-Huey Chen, Krista A Dunne, Paul Ginoux, Richard G Gudgel, Robert Hallberg, Lucas Harris, Matthew J Harrison, Nathaniel C Johnson, Sarah B Kapnick, Shian-Jiann Lin, Feiyu Lu, Sergey Malyshev, P C D Milly, Hiroyuki Murakami, Vaishali Naik, Salvatore Pascale, David J Paynter, Anthony Rosati, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Elena Shevliakova, Seth D Underwood, Andrew T Wittenberg, Baoqiang Xiang, Xiaosong Yang, Fanrong Zeng, Honghai Zhang, Liping Zhang, and Ming Zhao, March 2020: SPEAR – the next generation GFDL modeling system for seasonal to multidecadal prediction and projection. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(3), DOI:10.1029/2019MS001895.
  40. Harris, Lucas, Linjiong Zhou, Xi Chen, and Jan-Huey Chen, January 2020: The GFDL Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core: Release 201912, Princeton, NJ: NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2020-001, DOI:10.25923/7h88-c534 10pp.
  41. Harris, Lucas, Linjiong Zhou, Shian-Jiann Lin, Jan-Huey Chen, Xi Chen, Kun Gao, Matthew J Morin, Shannon L Rees, Yongqiang Sun, Mingjing Tong, Baoqiang Xiang, Morris A Bender, Rusty Benson, Kai-Yuan Cheng, Spencer K Clark, Oliver Elbert, Andrew T Hazelton, J Jacob Huff, Alex Kaltenbaugh, Zhi Liang, Timothy Marchok, Hyeyum Hailey Shin, and William F Stern, October 2020: GFDL SHiELD: A Unified System for Weather-to-Seasonal Prediction. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(10), DOI:10.1029/2020MS002223.
  42. Harris, Lucas, Xi Chen, Linjiong Zhou, and Jan-Huey Chen, December 2020: The Nonhydrostatic Solver of the GFDL Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core, Princeton, NJ: NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL, 2020-003, DOI:10.25923/9wdt-4895 6pp.
  43. Chen, Jan-Huey, Shian-Jiann Lin, Linus Magnusson, Morris A Bender, Xi Chen, Linjiong Zhou, Baoqiang Xiang, Shannon L Rees, Matthew J Morin, and Lucas Harris, April 2019: Advancements in Hurricane Prediction with NOAA's Next Generation Forecast System. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(8), DOI:10.1029/2019GL082410.
  44. Gao, Kun, Lucas Harris, Jan-Huey Chen, Shian-Jiann Lin, and Andrew T Hazelton, January 2019: Improving AGCM Hurricane Structure With Two‐Way Nesting. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(1), DOI:10.1029/2018MS001359.
  45. Gao, Kun, Jan-Huey Chen, Lucas Harris, Yongqiang Sun, and Shian-Jiann Lin, August 2019: Skillful Prediction of Monthly Major Hurricane Activity in the North Atlantic with Two‐way Nesting. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(15), DOI:10.1029/2019GL083526.
  46. Harris, Lucas, Shannon L Rees, Matthew J Morin, Linjiong Zhou, and William F Stern, June 2019: Explicit prediction of continental convection in a skillful variable‐resolution global model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(6), DOI:10.1029/2018MS001542.
  47. Held, Isaac M., Huan Guo, Alistair Adcroft, John P Dunne, Larry W Horowitz, John P Krasting, Elena Shevliakova, Michael Winton, Ming Zhao, Mitchell Bushuk, Andrew T Wittenberg, Bruce Wyman, Baoqiang Xiang, Rong Zhang, Whit G Anderson, V Balaji, Leo J Donner, Krista A Dunne, Jeffrey W Durachta, Paul P G Gauthier, Paul Ginoux, Jean-Christophe Golaz, Stephen M Griffies, Robert Hallberg, Lucas Harris, Matthew J Harrison, William J Hurlin, Jasmin G John, Pu Lin, Shian-Jiann Lin, Sergey Malyshev, Raymond Menzel, P C D Milly, Yi Ming, Vaishali Naik, David J Paynter, Fabien Paulot, V Ramaswamy, Brandon G Reichl, Thomas E Robinson, Anthony Rosati, Charles J Seman, Levi G Silvers, Seth D Underwood, and Niki Zadeh, November 2019: Structure and Performance of GFDL's CM4.0 Climate Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(11), DOI:10.1029/2019MS001829.
  48. Potvin, C K., J R Carley, Adam J Clark, L J Wicker, P S Skinner, A E Reinhart, Burkely T Gallo, J S Kain, G Romine, E Aligo, K Brewster, D C Dowell, and Lucas Harris, et al., October 2019: Systematic comparison of convection-allowing models during the 2017 NOAA HWT Spring Forecasting Experiment. Weather and Forecasting, 34(5), DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-19-0056.1.
  49. Vecchi, Gabriel A., Thomas L Delworth, Hiroyuki Murakami, Seth D Underwood, Andrew T Wittenberg, Fanrong Zeng, Wei Zhang, Jane Baldwin, Kieran Bhatia, William F Cooke, Jie He, Sarah B Kapnick, Thomas R Knutson, Gabriele Villarini, Karin van der Wiel, Whit G Anderson, V Balaji, Jan-Huey Chen, Keith W Dixon, Richard G Gudgel, Lucas Harris, Liwei Jia, Nathaniel C Johnson, Shian-Jiann Lin, Maofeng Liu, Chin Ho Justin Ng, Anthony Rosati, James A Smith, and Xiaosong Yang, November 2019: Tropical cyclone sensitivities to CO2 doubling: roles of atmospheric resolution, synoptic variability and background climate changes. Climate Dynamics, 53(9-10), DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04913-y.
  50. Zarzycki, Colin M., Christiane Jablonowski, James Kent, Peter H Lauritzen, Ramachandran Nair, Kevin A Reed, Paul A Ullrich, David M Hall, Don Dazlich, Ross Heikes, Celal Konor, David A Randall, Xi Chen, and Lucas Harris, et al., March 2019: DCMIP2016: the splitting supercell test case. Geoscientific Model Development, 12(3), DOI:10.5194/gmd-12-879-2019.
  51. Zhang, F, M Minamide, R G Nystrom, X Chen, Shian-Jiann Lin, and Lucas Harris, July 2019: Improving Harvey forecasts with next-generation weather satellites. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(7), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0149.1.
  52. Zhang, C, Ming Xue, Timothy A Supinie, F Kong, N Snook, K W Thomas, K Brewster, Y Jung, Lucas Harris, and Shian-Jiann Lin, March 2019: How Well Does an FV3-based Model Predict Precipitation at a Convection-Allowing Resolution? Results from CAPS Forecasts for the 2018 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed with Different Physics Combinations. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(6), DOI:10.1029/2018GL081702.
  53. Zhou, Linjiong, Shian-Jiann Lin, Jan-Huey Chen, Lucas Harris, Xi Chen, and Shannon L Rees, July 2019: Toward Convective-Scale Prediction within the Next Generation Global Prediction System. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(7), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0246.1.
  54. Anber, Usama, Nadir Jeevanjee, Lucas Harris, and Isaac M Held, July 2018: Sensitivity of Radiative‐Convection Equilibrium to Divergence Damping in GFDL‐FV3 Based Cloud‐Resolving Model Simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(7), DOI:10.1029/2017MS001225.
  55. Chen, Xi, Shian-Jiann Lin, and Lucas Harris, September 2018: Towards an unstaggered finite‐volume dynamical core with a fast Riemann solver: 1D linearized analysis of dissipation, dispersion, and noise control. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(9), DOI:10.1029/2018MS001361.
  56. Hazelton, Andrew T., Lucas Harris, and Shian-Jiann Lin, April 2018: Evaluation of Tropical Cyclone Structure Forecasts in a High-Resolution Version of the Multiscale GFDL fvGFS Model. Weather and Forecasting, 33(2), DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-17-0140.1.
  57. Hazelton, Andrew T., Morris A Bender, Matthew J Morin, Lucas Harris, and Shian-Jiann Lin, October 2018: 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Forecasts From a High-Resolution Version of the GFDL fvGFS Model: Evaluation of Track, Intensity, and Structure. Weather and Forecasting, 33(5), DOI:10.1175/WAF-D-18-0056.1.
  58. Zhao, Ming, Jean-Christophe Golaz, Isaac M Held, Huan Guo, V Balaji, Rusty Benson, Jan-Huey Chen, Xi Chen, Leo J Donner, John P Dunne, Krista A Dunne, Jeffrey W Durachta, Songmiao Fan, Stuart Freidenreich, Stephen T Garner, Paul Ginoux, Lucas Harris, Larry W Horowitz, John P Krasting, Amy R Langenhorst, Zhi Liang, Pu Lin, Shian-Jiann Lin, Sergey Malyshev, E Mason, P C D Milly, Yi Ming, Vaishali Naik, Fabien Paulot, David J Paynter, Peter Phillipps, Aparna Radhakrishnan, V Ramaswamy, Thomas E Robinson, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Charles J Seman, Elena Shevliakova, Zhaoyi Shen, Hyeyum Hailey Shin, Levi G Silvers, R John Wilson, Michael Winton, Andrew T Wittenberg, Bruce Wyman, and Baoqiang Xiang, March 2018: The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0 - Part I: Simulation Characteristics with Prescribed SSTs. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(3), DOI:10.1002/2017MS001208.
  59. Zhao, Ming, Jean-Christophe Golaz, Isaac M Held, Huan Guo, V Balaji, Rusty Benson, Jan-Huey Chen, Xi Chen, Leo J Donner, John P Dunne, Krista A Dunne, Jeffrey W Durachta, Songmiao Fan, Stuart Freidenreich, Stephen T Garner, Paul Ginoux, Lucas Harris, Larry W Horowitz, John P Krasting, Amy R Langenhorst, Zhi Liang, Pu Lin, Shian-Jiann Lin, Sergey Malyshev, E Mason, P C D Milly, Yi Ming, Vaishali Naik, Fabien Paulot, David J Paynter, Peter Phillipps, Aparna Radhakrishnan, V Ramaswamy, Thomas E Robinson, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Charles J Seman, Elena Shevliakova, Zhaoyi Shen, Hyeyum Hailey Shin, Levi G Silvers, R John Wilson, Michael Winton, Andrew T Wittenberg, Bruce Wyman, and Baoqiang Xiang, March 2018: The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0 - Part II: Model Description, Sensitivity Studies, and Tuning Strategies. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(3), DOI:10.1002/2017MS001209.
  60. Gao, Kun, Jan-Huey Chen, Lucas Harris, Shian-Jiann Lin, Baoqiang Xiang, and Ming Zhao, December 2017: Impact of Intraseasonal Oscillations on the Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Gulf of Mexico and Western Caribbean Sea in GFDL HiRAM. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(24), DOI:10.1002/2017JD027756.
  61. Lin, Shian-Jiann, Lucas Harris, Xi Chen, Weiye Yao, and Junyi Chai, November 2017: Colliding Modons: A Nonlinear Test for the Evaluation of Global Dynamical Cores. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9(7), DOI:10.1002/2017MS000965.
  62. Ullrich, Paul A., Christiane Jablonowski, James Kent, Peter H Lauritzen, Ramachandran Nair, Kevin A Reed, Colin M Zarzycki, David M Hall, Don Dazlich, Ross Heikes, Celal Konor, David A Randall, Thomas Dubos, Yann Meurdesoif, Xi Chen, and Lucas Harris, et al., December 2017: DCMIP2016: a review of non-hydrostatic dynamical core design and intercomparison of participating models. Geoscientific Model Development, 10(12), DOI:10.5194/gmd-10-4477-2017.
  63. Harris, Lucas, Shian-Jiann Lin, and C Tu, June 2016: High resolution climate simulations using GFDL HiRAM with a stretched global grid. Journal of Climate, 29(11), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0389.1.
  64. Scott, R K., Lucas Harris, and Lorenzo M Polvani, January 2016: A test case for the inviscid shallow water equations on the sphere. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142(694), DOI:10.1002/qj.2667.
  65. Zhang, Wei, Gabriel A Vecchi, Hiroyuki Murakami, Thomas L Delworth, Andrew T Wittenberg, Anthony Rosati, Seth D Underwood, Whit G Anderson, Lucas Harris, Richard G Gudgel, Shian-Jiann Lin, Gabriele Villarini, and Jan-Huey Chen, February 2016: Improved Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Responses to ENSO in the Western North Pacific in the High-Resolution GFDL HiFLOR Coupled Climate Model. Journal of Climate, 29(4), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0475.1.
  66. Fan, Songmiao, Lucas Harris, and Larry W Horowitz, November 2015: Atmospheric energy transport to the Arctic 1979-2012. Tellus A, 67, DOI:10.3402/tellusa.v67.25482.
  67. Murakami, Hiroyuki, Gabriel A Vecchi, Seth D Underwood, Thomas L Delworth, Andrew T Wittenberg, Whit G Anderson, Jan-Huey Chen, Richard G Gudgel, Lucas Harris, Shian-Jiann Lin, and Fanrong Zeng, December 2015: Simulation and Prediction of Category 4 and 5 Hurricanes in the High-Resolution GFDL HiFLOR Coupled Climate Model. Journal of Climate, 28(23), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0216.1.
  68. Xiang, Baoqiang, Shian-Jiann Lin, Ming Zhao, Gabriel A Vecchi, Tim Li, Xianan Jiang, Lucas Harris, and Jan-Huey Chen, February 2015: Beyond weather time scale prediction for Hurricane Sandy and Super Typhoon Haiyan in a global climate model. Monthly Weather Review, 143(2), DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00227.1.
  69. Harris, Lucas, and Shian-Jiann Lin, July 2014: Global-to-regional nested-grid climate simulations in the GFDL High Resolution Atmosphere Model. Journal of Climate, 27(13), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00596.1.
  70. Harris, Lucas, and Shian-Jiann Lin, January 2013: A two-way nested global-regional dynamical core on the cubed-sphere grid. Monthly Weather Review, 141(1), DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00201.1.
  71. Harris, Lucas, Peter H Lauritzen, and R Mittal, February 2011: A flux-form version of the conservative semi-Lagrangian multi-tracer transport scheme (CSLAM) on the cubed sphere grid. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(4), DOI:10.1016/
  72. Harris, Lucas, and D R Durran, June 2010: An Idealized Comparison of One-Way and Two-Way Grid Nesting. Monthly Weather Review, 138(6), DOI:10.1175/2010MWR3080.1.

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