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Research Scholar

Earth System Processes and Interactions Division

Curriculum vitae


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Contact Information


phone (609) 452-6500

Focus Areas:

  • Air quality – climate interactions
  • Land-biosphere feedbacks on air quality
  • Wildfires and PM pollution
  • Global-to-urban air pollution
  • Long-range pollution transport

Meiyun Lin’s Online Presentations


December 2024,  AGU Fall Meeting 2024:  Reactive Nitrogen Partitioning and Pyrogenic VOCs Enhance Contribution of Canadian Wildfire Plumes to US Ozone Air Quality [PDF].

April 2024, Rutgers University Environmental Science Department Seminar: Earth System Feedbacks on Air Quality in a Changing Climate [PDF].


Dec 2023, AGU Fall Meeting 2023: The GFDL variable-resolution global chemistry-climate model for research at the nexus of US climate and air quality extremes [PDF].

Sep 2023, Invited speaker at the Meteorology and Climate – Modeling for Air Quality Conference: Understanding US drought – air quality linkages for seasonal prediction potential


May 2022, Invited speaker at UC-Irvine Earth System Science Seminar: Earth System Feedbacks to Air Quality Extremes in a Changing Climate (YouTube).


Dec 2021, AGU21 Press Conference: Wildfire in a changing climate (YouTube)

Dec 2021, AGU Fall Meeting 2021 (A44E-03): A variable-resolution global chemistry-climate model for research at the nexus of US climate and air quality extremes.

Dec 2021, AGU Fall Meeting 2021 (A32G-03): Ozone and particulate air pollution trends and extremes in China from 2000 to 2021: Quantifying the roles of regional emission controls, heterogenous chemistry, meteorology, and vegetation feedbacks.

Sep 2021, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry 2021 Conference: Vegetation feedbacks during drought exacerbate ozone air pollution extremes in Europe.


Nov 2020, Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (ACM) 2020 Conference: How do vegetation feedbacks exacerbate ozone air pollution extremes in Europe, North America, and Asia? (Invited, PDF)

Nov 2020, Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (ACM) Conference: Summer PM2.5 pollution extremes caused by wildfires during 2017-2018 (Contributed).

May 2020, EGU General Assembly, Vegetation feedbacks during drought exacerbate ozone air pollution extremes in Europe (PDF)


Dec 10, 2019, AGU Fall Meeting, Sensitivity of ozone dry deposition to ecosystem-atmosphere interactions: A critical appraisal of observations and simulations (PDF)


Apr 25, 2017, Presentation to Environmental Defense Fund: Global dimensions to U.S. ozone pollution: Implications for air quality policy (PPT)

Mar 29, 2017, Background Ozone Scientific Assessment Workshop, Processes controlling U.S. background ozone trends and extremes over 1980-2015 (PDF)


Oct 31, 2016, University of Toronto Noble Seminar Series: Linking climate variability to surface ozone trends and extremes (Invited) (PDF)

Apr-11, 2016, MIT Atmospheric Science Seminar: Climate versus emission drivers of ozone pollution trends and extremes (Invited)

Apr-8, 2016, Harvard University Atmospheric Science Seminar: The roles of climate variability on U.S. surface ozone trends and extremes (Invited)


Oct-7, 2015, IGAC/SPARC Chemistry Climate Model Initiative Workshop, Italy: The Role of Climate, the Stratosphere, and Emissions on US Surface O3 Trends and Extremes (Invited)

Sep-18, 2015, CARB/UC Davis Meteorology And Climate – Modeling for Air Quality (MAC-MAQ) Conference: Detecting changes in US background ozone means and extremes amidst climate variability (Invited)

Aug-20, 2015, Western States Air Resources Council. Key drivers of western US surface ozone means and extremes: Climate variability, stratospheric intrusions, and Asian pollution (Invited seminar)

May-11, 2015, HTAP: Modeling Air Quality from the Global to Local Scales, NCAR: Establishing process-oriented constrains on global models for ozone source attribution: Lessons from GFDL AM3 (PDF)

May-13, 2015, Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP), NCAR
Key drivers of western US surface ozone variability over recent decades: Stratospheric intrusions, Asian pollution, and Climate variability (PPT)

Apr-21, 2015, NASA AIRS Science Team Meeting, NASA JPL
Invited talk: Challenges in quantifying sources and variability of lower tropospheric ozone over western N. America: Perspectives from satellites and models (PPT)

Apr-1, 2015, Yosemite Transboundary Ozone Pollution Conference, San Joaquin Valley APCD.
Invited talk: Quantifying Asian influence on Western U.S. surface ozone exceedances and long-term trends (PPT)

Feb-19, 2015, CENRS Air Quality Research Subcommittee, Washington DC.
Invited talk: Key drivers of Western U.S. surface ozone variability over recent decades: Stratospheric intrusions, Asian pollution, and Climate (PPT)


Dec-15, 2014, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Invited talk: Key drivers of Western U.S. surface ozone variability from 1980-2050: From extreme events to background trends (PDF)

Dec-19, 2014, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Invited talk: Role of climate variability on tropospheric ozone (PDF)

June 2014, NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) Meeting, Harvard University
Year-to-year variability in Western U.S. high-ozone events tied to stratospheric influence: Implications for seasonal prediction to aid regional air quality planning. (PPT)

May 2014, IGAC/SPARC Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative Workshop, Lancaster, UK
Invited talk: Role of climate variability on tropospheric ozone variability and trends (PDF)


Dec 2013, HTAP workshop, San Francisco
Influence of decadal climate variability on hemispheric pollution transport (PDF)

Dec 2013, AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San francisco, CA
Tropospheric ozone trends at Mauna Loa Observatory tied to decadal climate variability (Poster PPT)

Aug 2013, Hiram ‘Chip’ Levy Symposium, Princeton
Footprints of decadal climate variability in ozone at Manna Loa Observatory (PPT)

May 2013, Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) workshop, Boulder
Climate versus emission drivers of U.S. ozone variability and trends (Poster PDF)

Jul 2013, Western Regional Air Partnership, Western Air Quality Modeling Workshop, Boulder
Invited talk: Asian and stratospheric influences on Western U.S. ozone variability and trends (PPT)


Dec 2012, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, Application of satellite data to serve air quality management needs (CNN iReport), San Francisco, CA
Developing space-based indicators of stratospheric influence on Western U.S. high surface ozone events (PPT)

Nov 2012, NASA Sounder Science Team Meeting, Greenbelt, MA
Invited talk: Using AIRS observations to predict Asian and stratospheric influences on Western U.S. high surface ozone events (PPT)

Oct 2012, Western States Air Resources Council/University of Nevada, Western Ozone Transport Workshop, Reno, NV
Invited talk: Daily to decadal variability in sources of springtime surface ozone events over the western United States: stratospheric intrusions, Asian pollution, and wildfires (PDF)

Oct 2012, NASA Aura Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, CA
Invited talk: Identifying and forecasting deep stratospheric ozone intrusions over the western U.S. from space (PDF)

Jul 2012, NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team Meeting, Madison, WI
Strong stratospheric influence on springtime surface high-O3 events over the western U.S. in spring: Not-so-rare events? (PDF)

May 2012, California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District Seminar, Ontario, CA
Invited talk: Global sources of local pollution in Southern California

May 2012, NOAA ESRL Chemical Science Division Seminar, Boulder,CO
Invited talk: Background ozone over the United States in 1980-2010: Origin, extremes, and long-term changes (PPT)

Feb 2012, UN Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution, 2011-2015 Work Plan Meeting, Pasadena, CA
Transport of Asian ozone pollution into surface air over the western United States in spring (PPT)

Dec. 2011, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA
Variability and changes in tropospheric ozone over the western United States (1980-2010): Exploring the roles of stratosphere-to-troposphere transport and El Nino-Southern Oscillation

Dec 2011, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA
Springtime high surface ozone events over the western United States: Quantifying the role of stratospheric intrusions (Poster PDF)

Nov 2011, NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team Meeting, EPA Research Triangle Park, NC
Model Intercomparison of background ozone to inform NAAQS setting and implementation (PPT)

Nov 2011, NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team Meeting, EPA Research Triangle Park, NC
Estimating background ozone and its specific components over the United States to support NAAQS-setting, implementation, and attainment planning (PDF)

Oct 2011, NOAA GFDL Science Symposium, Princeton, NJ
Stratospheric impacts on ground-level ozone air quality over the western United States

Jul 2011, NOAA Senior Research Council, Princeton, NJ
Invited talk: Stratospheric and Asian impacts on tropospheric ozone over western North America: mean, extremes and the role of ENSO

Apr 2011, 2nd Tropospheric Ozone Changes Workshop, Toulouse, France
Trends and variability of tropospheric ozone at northern mid-latitudes in 1980-2010: Exploring the role of emissions, ENSO and STE

Dec 2010, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA (
Impacts of Asian emissions on ozone air quality over the western United States (PPT)

Before 2010

Nov 2009, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Talk title: Multi-scale mechanisms affecting hemispheric transport and chemistry (PDF)

Oct 2009, University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Japan
Talk title: Connections between air pollution and the hydrological cycle

Oct 2009, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Hosted by Professor Tao Wang?s research group
Talk title: Multi-scale model analysis of air pollution in Asia

Regional Scientific Workshop on Acid Deposition, Japan (Oct. 2009)
Hosted by the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)
Talk title: Multi-scale model analysis of EANET Data

United Nations Take Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution, Paris, France (June 2009)
Workshop on Linkages between Regional and Global Modeling, Air Quality and Climate Change
Talk title: Quantifying pollution inflow and outflow over East Asia through coupling regional and global models (PDF)

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria (Feb.2009)
11th workshop for Model Inter-comparison Study for Asia
Talk title: Inter-comparison of two regional atmospheric chemistry models (WRF-Chem and CMAQ) for East Asia (PDF)

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria (Feb. 2008)
10th workshop for Model Inter-comparison Study for Asia
Talk title: Evaluating gaseous pollutants and source-receptor relationships for reactive nitrogen deposition in East Asia

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Nov. 2008)
Climate, People, and Environment Program Seminar, Center for Climate Research
Talk title: What controls the seasonality of boundary layer ozone in Asia?

United Nations Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution, Hanoi, Vietnam (Oct. 2008)
Talk title: Regional impacts of hemispheric air pollution transport

IGAC 2010, Halifax, Canada (July 2010)
Improving process understanding of trans-Pacific pollution transport: Insights from high-resolution models and observations (PDF)

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Beijing, China (Oct. 2009)
Hosted by Professor Zifa Wang?s research group
Talk title: Multi-scale model analysis of air pollution in Asia

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado (July 2009)
2009 NCAR Workshop on Climate and Health
Talk title: Challenges in evaluating health impacts from large-scale climate and air pollution in Asia (PDF)

American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (Dec. 2008)
Poster presentation: Why do models overpredict summertime ground-level ozone over Central Eastern China? (PDF)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Oct. 2008)
Sustainability and the Global Environment Seminar Talk title: Air quality in Asia.

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (Sep. 2008)
Dr. Dylan Jones Research Group, Department of Atmospheric Physics
Regional atmospheric chemistry in Asia

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado (Jul. 2008)
Connecting CAM-Chem with WRF-Chem: Learning from CMAQ & MOZART analysis for East Asia

Workshop of Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate, and Trans-boundary Air Pollution, Washington DC (June 2008)
Poster presentation: Impacts of hemispheric transport of air pollution on Asia (PDF)

University of Tokyo, Center for Climate System Research, Japan (Dec. 2007)
Talk title: Long-range transport and source-receptor relationships of acidifying substances in East Asia

University of Tokyo, Kondo Lab, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology Japan (Feb. 2007)
Talk title: Long-range transport of acidifying substances in East Asia: A simulation of source-receptor relationships

Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Tokyo, Japan (Mar. 2007)
51st Conference on Hydraulic Engineering
Talk tile: Long-range transport of acidifying substances over East Asia in springtime

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, SETAC-Europe 16th Annual Meeting, the Hague, Netherlands (May 2006)
Talk title: Site-dependent characterization modeling of acidification in life cycle impact assessment in Asia